My team and I produce a lot of online content for both of our sites (ITtechExec and NoddlePlace), from blog posts to podcasts to webinars, and we engage in many group discussions on LinkedIn and in Twitter chats.
Time and again one of the most popular topics among today's technical leaders has to do with startups.
It seems everyone has some opinion about the general internal culture at startups and whether they are the better work environment.
So to get a better sense of where my network lies on this issue, we published the following blog post earlier this year, and I am looking for your comments.
What say you? Would you like to work for one? Have you worked for one, and if so, was it a good or bad experience? What are some key things to consider in choosing one?
We had a lively discussion on our ITtechExec Facebook page when the article first posted, much of which resulted in the majority of respondents stating that startups were "great, but be prepared to wear many, many hats." Do you concur?
Add your comments here or at the link below. Any insight you can share would be great!
The Real Skinny: What It's Really Like to Work at a Startup
--About Stephen----
Stephen Van Vreede is not your average IT/technical résumé writer. He provides career strategy and concierge job search solutions for senior (15+ years) (ITtechExec) and up-and-coming (NoddlePlace) (5-15 years) tech and technical operations leaders. Stephen and his team focus on building simplified, targeted, and certain career move campaigns, be it an external search or an internal promotion. He is co-author of UNcommon with career development leader Brian Tracy (out June 11, 2015). Contact Stephen directly at Stephen@ittechexec.com or send him an invite at https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenvanvreede. To see whether Stephen and his team are a good fit for you, take their free (and anonymous) 1-minute compatibility quiz, Is the ITtechExec Approach a Good Match for You? Also, feel free to take his complimentary resume self-assessment quiz, How Certain Can You Be About Your Technical Resume? You might be surprised by what you find out!
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