There’s nothing that gets as many groans of despair as updating a really old resume. If you’ve let yours sit in an old computer file untouched for a year or more, it can be a harrowing experience to try to update it — especially if you’re in a time crunch. But there are many reasons to keep your resume up-to-date besides looking for a new job.
Here’s why:
An Updated Resume Empowers You
These days, it’s imperative to keep on your toes when it comes to your career. If your job isn’t exactly stable, you still can be by keeping a knockout resume at the ready.
An Updated Resume Shows Off Your Successes
Promotions don’t always come to those who deserve them — they come to those who know they deserve them. When you make a habit of updating your resume with all of your career wins, it’s proof to you and your boss that you’re doing a great job.
An Updated Resume Helps You Understand Your Career
Frequently updating your resume means you’ll start seeing patterns in your career — what’s worked, what hasn’t, and how you’ve best been able to make use of your skills and experience. When you understand what makes you happiest at work and what you do best, you’re better prepared to make a smart next move that will land you a job you love.
Haven’t updated your resume in ages? Don’t know where to start? Give us a call.
We love helping people with their resumes — in fact, it’s one of our specialties!
Stephen Van Vreede is not your average IT/technical résumé writer. He provides career strategy and concierge job search solutions for senior (15+ years) (ITtechExec) and up-and-coming (NoddlePlace) (5-15 years) tech and technical operations leaders. Stephen and his team focus on building simplified, targeted, and certain career move campaigns, be it an external search or an internal promotion. He is co-author of UNcommon with career development leader Brian Tracy (out June 11, 2015). Contact Stephen directly at Stephen@ittechexec.com or send him an invite at https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenvanvreede. To see whether Stephen and his team are a good fit for you, take their free (and anonymous) 1-minute compatibility quiz, Is the ITtechExec Approach a Good Match for You? Also, feel free to take his complimentary resume self-assessment quiz, How Certain Can You Be About Your Technical Resume? You might be surprised by what you find out!
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