Storytelling is important in the job market. It always has been, and it always will be.
Too often job seekers gets bogged down with the facts of their work history, thinking that is all that matters in the presentation. Although your work history is important, it's really just a start and misses the bigger, psychological part of the hiring process.
Facts Don't Resonate, But Stories Do
As I'm finalizing and reviewing my content for the "UNCOMMON" book with Brian Tracy, it became even more evident to me that the stories I was sharing about some of my client members were vital. I could give the best, most sound advice ever, but people would not make it real and actionable in their lives without the power of the personal story behind it.
Ultimately, this is what we do for the clients that we represent as agents in the marketplace. We help them to shape and hone their career story so that it will resonate with an audience that will try to "tune out" as much as possible, simply because they are so inundated from every direction with job seeker information.
Storytelling engages them at a human level. Think about it...all of the best authors, speakers, business leaders, politicians, and the like connect with their audience through the power of a personal story. The story takes the facts or advice and converts them from being clinical into something that captures our hearts, minds, and imaginations. It also helps us relate with one another. And that's what is necessary to generate a response.
Applying It In the Job Market
Are decision makers in the hiring process any different? No way! But we're told that we can't engage them in such a manner. Baloney! Just because the masses aren't doing so doesn't mean it doesn't work. In fact, because 95% of the people in the market don't do it means that you'll have a better chance of standing out from the crowd when you do.
But the majority can't be wrong...can it? Of course it can, and I'm hear to tell you that especially when it comes to job search, it is all the time.
What's your story? Discover it and unleash the power of it in the market from today on. The impact it has on your confidence and excitement will be tremendous.
--About Stephen----
Stephen Van Vreede is not your average IT/technical résumé writer. He provides career strategy and concierge job search solutions for senior (15+ years) (ITtechExec) and up-and-coming (NoddlePlace) (5-15 years) tech and technical operations leaders. Stephen and his team focus on building simplified, targeted, and certain career move campaigns, be it an external search or an internal promotion. He is co-author of UNcommon with career development leader Brian Tracy (June 2015). Contact Stephen directly at Stephen@ittechexec.com or send him an invite at https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenvanvreede. To see whether Stephen and his team are a good fit for you, take their free (and anonymous) compatibility quiz, Is the ITtechExec Approach a Good Match for You?
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