It's that time of year again. That time when mixed emotions, nostalgia, sentimentality, joy, anxiety, regret, and depression, all float around us for 6 weeks like some deranged version of the Nutcracker.
And if you're in career move mode or job search mode, it's an even more confusing dance.
For on top of the typical feelings that come with the end of one year and the beginning of another, you have the emotional baggage that comes with any type of career move (internal or external).
If that isn't bad enough, everyone, everywhere seems to have an opinion on what it's like to go through a job search during the holidays that range from complete despair to unfounded optimism.
This year, to help curb some of the mixed signals you might be getting as you wade through the job market zoo during the holidays, I've put together a no-nonsense report called "6 Tips for Sticking Out Your Holiday Job Search."
(I'm probably one of the few who thinks that the holidays can be a positive time for the job seeker if you're willing to think and act a little differently than most!)
Click to download the complimentary report: 6 Tips for Sticking Out Your Holiday Job Search
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