ranked the fastest growing US cities. As we begin 2012, these markets continue to hold their own and grow despite a sluggish national economy.
1. Austin, Texas
2. Raleigh, North Carolina (Research Triangle)
3. Phoenix, Arizona
4. Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas
5. Houston, Texas
Rounding out the top 10 were Salt Lake City, Utah; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis, Indiana; San Antonio, Texas; and the Washington, D.C. Metro area.
Interestingly, the lowest unemployment rate among the top 10 was in D.C., coming in at 5.8%. The major factor is the huge increase in federal government jobs, which is helpful to the local job market but not a favorable indicator for the national trend.
With three of the top 5 and four of the top 10, Texas is an attractive market for your next job search. It's business (and individual) friendly tax structure has brought new enterprises and new talent to the area, stimulating strong sustained growth.
If you are flexible on terms of geography, consider one of these markets in your upcoming job search.
In 2001, No Stone Unturned was launched as a resume (or résumé, for the purists among us) and career services firm. Under the No Stone Unturned umbrella, we now have ITtechExec, a technical resume and “career insurance and protection” service for senior IT/technical clients (15+ years), and now NoddlePlace (“noddle” means “head”), a technical resume and “career advancement” service for emerging, mid-level technical candidates (5-15 years) who want to make it to where our ITtechExec clients are.
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